Monday, March 15, 2010

Writing Is Hard Work!

Hi all,

I'm learning that trying to launch a writing career while keeping up with your day job is hard work. Okay, I knew that from the start but hoped that things would be different for me :-))
People in court regularly see me with my Alphasmart NEO and know to stay clear: Rhonda's working on one of her books. With all the downtime I sometimes have, if I can find a relatively quiet nook, I can write quite a bit. Most times though, I'm happy to sit with my buddies and just gab. They give me some of my best lines!

I just finished the first draft of a new novel and have set it aside for a week to marinate. I'll pick it up again next week and start those dreaded revisions. This month I'm taking Margie Lawson's Empowering Characters Emotions, and I'd recommend it to everyone who's serious about writing. I'm confident the class will help me make that manuscript shine.


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