Saturday, April 17, 2010

Preparing for Romantic Times Conference

Right now, I'm busy getting ready for one of my favorite writing conferences, Romantic Times or better known as RT. My first one was in 2008 in Pittsburgh where I attended the Beginning Writer's pre-conference workshop taught by the fabulous Judi McCoy. Judi gave me the best advice for becoming a better writer. Ready for it? She told me to put my ass in the chair and write! Give yourself a reachable writing goal each day, say one thousand words, and do it. On those days when I really don't feel like putting fingers to the keys, Judi's voice pushes me along.

My second RT was last year in Orlando. There I attended the Advanced Beginner's class taught by one of the best romance authors around, Bobbi Smith. I'll be eternally grateful to Bobbi because winning her Creative Challenge allowed me to submit my manuscript to her agent, Evan Marshall. I'm proud to say I'm one of his clients now.

When I return, I'll give you an update of what's new in the romance genre and what some of my favorite authors did at the conference.

