Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted anything. Some wonderful things have happened since I last visited. I attended the Romantic Times Convention in Orlando, Florida in April. I entered Bobbi Smith's Creative Challenge and my novel, MAKING TIME FOR LOVE, won. My prizes included an opportunity to submit the novel to an agent and thereafter to Dorchester Publishing. The agent, Evan Marshall took a look at it and offered to represent me!!

I am now a PRO member of Romance Writers of America and the president of my local RWA chapter, Western Pennsylvania Romance Writers. The annual RWA conference was held in Washington, D.C. and I had a ball with old and new friends.

I am now working on a new novel with an anticipated completion date of early October. I guess I'm on my way!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Well, I'm getting ready for the Romantic Times convention and I'm so excited! I'm going to attend the pre-convention workshop led by Bobbi Smith for Advanced Aspiring Writers. I also entered her contest, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'll let you know how everything turns out when I return.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Greetings and welcome to my blog. Come along with me on my journey to publication. Currently I'm working on a romantic suspense novel and once it's done, I'll start on a young adult (YA) novel.

I just returned from my first writers conference of the year, the San Francisco Writers Conference and I had a ball. Anyone thinking about writing should attend a conference (or two or three) every year. Not only do you learn how to become a better writer, the networking opportunities are priceless.

Again, thanks for stopping by and I'd love to hear from you.